Sericom アメリカ生活



life is about balance

Hi this is sericom today's topic is life is about balance Today I'll talk about Be kind, but don't let people abuse you If you are so kind and you will get any asking from people, you couldn't have your time and your life. ↓revised sentenc…

my struggles in English

I'm struggling in expressing myself in English at work. We have mgr meeting in every morning. If we have something to say we can say any news. My week point is that I can not understand what they say and sometimes I'm struggling in saying …


おはようございます。 Good. Morning せりコムです。元気です。 this is. Sericom . I'm fine thank you 今日のお題、 スロージューサーでキャロットジュースを作った後の搾かす Today's topic is Strained lees of carrot juice made with slow juicer. み…


おはようございます。This is Sericom Do you know what do you say 坐骨神経痛 in English It's sciatic nerve painActually I have had sciatic nerve pain for about three years.It's very difficult to recover it.I used be to go to some of Chiropra…


こんばんはせりコムです。 金曜日に. sore throat になり、風邪を引いた様です。 その後に、キャロットジュースと、ハチミツビネガー、風邪薬と睡眠をたくさん取り、今は回復。 喉の痛みも治りました。 まじで、コロナだったらどないしよう、、、 と不安にも…