Sericom アメリカ生活


life is about balance

Hi this is sericom


today's topic is 


life is about balance


Today I'll talk about

Be kind, but don't let people abuse you


If you are so kind and you will get any asking from people, you couldn't have your time and your life.

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If you are kind and do any favor for people, you might not have enough time for yourself.


If you are kind and do any favor for people, people will never grow up .


So you have to find critical of your kindness.

Sometimes you feel stress with somebody's favor. 
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 Doing favor for others may  lead you to stressful situation.

What situation do you feel so????

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Have you ever been in this situation???


Sometimes you feel happy with somebody's request.

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Sometimes doing favor for others gives you happiness 


When do you feel happy getting request???

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When does doing favor for others give you happiness???


Finding Citeria of kindness is very important but it's depends on our thinking and experiences.

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So you should know how to define kindness with our experiences, when to be kind and when not to be kind.


you should look-back your mind and experience to diefine, then your life have good balance.


next episode I'll talk abou TRUST